
The Sphyn Express and React platform allows the Sphyn team to sell 3d tour packages that real estate agents and home sellers can use to promote their listings. By displaying these high-quality images with Matterport technology, Sphyn assists real estate agents and homeowners with demonstrating a home’s appeal to potential buyers. To see what our business is all about, click here to view our website.

The OneStop React application provides important services for busy individuals. OneStop allows a user to search for news articles, generate a list of tasks to complete and store completed tasks, take notes and export them as .txt files, and send emails. To see how this application could help you stay organized, click here to try the application.

This application allows users to create an account, and add, edit, or delete events or personal or professional contacts. This allows the user to store contact information and events such as birthdays, anniversaries, exams, and presentations in one location. All data is stored in a database. The UI was designed for ease of use and responsiveness to allow user to use the app without reading instructions or encountering frustrating obstacles to utilizing EventSet's features. Experience the minimalistic design and obvious usefulness of EventSet yourself by trying the application yourself. Please forgive the slight delay in deployment. This site is hosted through a free account on Heroku.
Enhance Your Vibes

The Enhance Your Vibes web application provides both an escape from our stressful world and a way to channel feelings of frustration, since sometimes catharsis is more effective for handling frustration and depression. On the "Good Vibes" page, users can view uplifting content, which includes page styling. On the "Bad Vibes" page, users can channel their frustration as they view a page styled with flames and dark colors. This project uses a total of 7 APIs.
To enhance your vibes, click here to visit the page.